It’s time for you to live a life you don’t have to escape from

Break free from perfectionism, imposter syndrome & comparison. Develop healthy boundaries, find peace & pursue your God-given purpose.

God, is this really it?

I’ve been there too

Have you ever felt lost in the darkness, questioning your purpose and wondering if there’s more to life? Nearly two years ago, that was me. Heartbreak, devastation, and a constant feeling of “What’s the point?” weighed heavily on me. I cried out: “God, show me who You really are!” Deep down, I knew I was meant for more than the darkness. Then, a realization dawned – I couldn’t receive God’s best if I kept settling for less. That’s when I embarked on a journey of transformation.


No matter how hard you’ve tried, things haven’t gone as planned. You may consistently be finding yourself in situations that aren’t aligned with what you actually desire.

And Here’s Why…

You don’t like yourself

Don’t like who you are?
People-pleasing got you this far, and all you have to show for it is feeling disconnected from your true self, your passions, and your unique calling

You don’t like
your life

Trash thoughts = trash results!
Constantly thinking things like, “God won’t show up for me,” or “It’ll never happen,” has left you feeling defeated in every area of your life

You don’t like

You love God, but you don’t like Him.
He seems unfair: you don’t like where you’re at, your dreams feel far off, and you feel like God has forgotten and overlooked you

I unda’stannnn – I’m here to help you navigate through it!


I took a leap of faith and now I’m living my dream.
Your life can be more than you asked, dreamed, or imagined, too.

Instead of struggling with perfectionism, imposter syndrome & comparison, imagine how it would feel to finally…

Embrace the joy of the journey, not just the destination; find happiness in every step you take, not just reaching the finish line
Approach each day with a sense of calm confidence; waking up knowing you have the strength and skills to handle whatever comes your way, with a peaceful heart
Celebrate your unique gifts and talents, knowing they come from God
Radiate inner strength and grace, letting go of the need to prove yourself; feeling secure and confident in who you are, without needing anyone’s approval
be yourself, knowing you are worthy of God’s love; Letting go of the pressure to be someone you’re not
Experience a deep sense of peace and fulfillment, living out your purpose in Christ knowing you’re on the right path

And the truth is… you can’t bloom where you’re not meant to be planted

Have you ever felt like a sunflower stuck in the shade? Reaching for the light, pushing yourself to grow, but deep down, there’s a nagging feeling that something’s off.

You, my friend, are a masterpiece, a woman of purpose, designed for more than a life of struggle and confusion. Somewhere along the line, the deception devastated your heart, leaving you feeling weary instead of worthy. But what if there was another way? A way to cultivate a life that’s fulfilling, not fractured. A way to fall back in love with the amazing woman God created you to be.

Here’s the good news: God didn’t create you to be perpetually weary. He designed you for a purpose, for a life that overflows with joy and impact. And guess what? You don’t need a complete overhaul to get there.

I’m here to help.
This is why I’ve created

here to remind you: coaching

This transformative 1:1 coaching program is designed specifically for single Christian women like you. Together, we’ll develop practical strategies to overcome perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs. You’ll learn to set healthy boundaries, cultivate self-compassion, and discover the joy and purpose waiting for you.

In just 30 days, you can start to love the life you live.

I’m ready! Let’s do this!

Do you long to live a life that aligns with your faith, but feel unsure where to begin?

You’re in the right place.

Ditch the pressure to prove yourself, quiet the noise, and love who you are

Ditch the pressure to constantly “prove yourself” and discover God’s unique plan for YOU. Learn practical tools to mute distractions and create space for peace and God’s voice in your busy life. You’ll finally love who you are in Christ, flaws and all, and ditch the comparison game for good.

be empowered, not exhausted

You’ll tap into a wellspring of strength and confidence rooted in your faith, realizing how God showers you with love and finally seeing yourself as the worthy daughter He created you to be.

Shift from constant striving to deep trust in god’s plan

You’ll discover your worth isn’t tied to achievements, but to the incredible woman you already are in Christ. This unlocks a life overflowing with purpose, peace, and fulfillment that goes far beyond the to-do list.


the approach


  • Identify and Challenge Negative Thought Patterns: You’ll learn to reframe these thoughts with scripture-based affirmations and self-compassion exercises rooted in God’s grace
  • Cultivate Self-Compassion Rooted in God’s Love and Forgiveness: You’ll learn to forgive yourself through guided meditations and scripture study, replacing guilt with the freedom of God’s forgiveness
  • Develop a Growth Mindset Based on Faith and Biblical Affirmations: You’ll learn to view challenges as opportunities for growth and trust in God’s plan for your life


  • Set Healthy Boundaries with Love and Clear Communication: You’ll practice assertive communication techniques rooted in respect and biblical principles
  • Learn Effective Time Management and Prioritization Strategies: You’ll learn to delegate effectively and create realistic daily schedules that leave room for self-care and spiritual growth
  • Create a Worthiness Routine for Self-Care and Stress Management: You’ll identify healthy stress-relieving activities that align with your personality and faith


  • Deepen Your Understanding of God’s Grace and Unconditional Love: You’ll learn to release the burden of trying to earn God’s favor and embrace the freedom of living in His love
  • Overcome Guilt and Shame Through Scripture and Prayer: We’ll create personalized prayer prompts to help you release guilt and shame and find healing in God’s presence
  • Discover Your Unique Gifts and Purpose in Serving God’s Kingdom: We’ll explore how your gifts can be used to serve God’s kingdom and fulfill your purpose

How it Works

Book It

Check out the options below, commit to your journey, and I’ll send you my calendar to book a time that works best for you

Talk It

During our call, the floor is yours! I believe in an emotional, practical, and spiritual approach to helping you achieve all that God has created you to be

Live It

You’ll have access to notes from our session as well as homework so you can build the life you desire through a proven strategy

Real Results

I’m Hayden Akins

My strong suit is to create a safe space, cultivate lasting impact, and curate sensational vibes.

When I was nine years old, I told my mom, “When I grow up, I want to be a woman who helps other women.” It was a vague declaration, but I think it was God showing me who He created me to be at a young age. And listen… I ran from it for as long as possible.

I struggled with constant striving, the feeling of never being good enough, and the crushing weight of guilt and comparison. But through faith and practical tools, I found freedom. Now, I’m passionate about helping you discover the same.

all the love, Hayden

I’ve worked with:


Ready to finally build the life of your dreams?

Payment plans are available through services like Affirm, Afterpay, and Klarna starting as low as $68/month!


Four 1:1 Calls


only $24/day

  • (4) 60-min video calls
  • Homework + Notes
  • Worthiness Routine

Most popular!


twelve 1:1 Calls


only $27/day

  • (12) 60-min video calls
  • Homework + Notes
  • Worthiness Routine


Twelve 1:1 Calls +
DM Support


only $44/day

  • (12) 60-min video calls
  • Homework + Notes
  • Worthiness Routine
  • DM support

In the DM’s

Frequently Asked

Christian life coaching is a faith-based partnership that helps you discover your God-given purpose and live a life filled with clarity, focus, and fulfillment. Through coaching, we’ll use prayer, reflection, and powerful exercises to develop a personalized plan aligned with your faith!

This coaching program is ideal for the Christian woman who yearns for more in life and desires to live in alignment with her faith. If you’re seeking clarity on your calling, want to cultivate a deeper connection with God, or simply dream of living a life infused with purpose, this can be an effective tool for you.

Our coaching sessions are a safe and supportive space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and dreams. I’ll listen with empathy and guide you through transformative exercises to help you gain clarity and move forward with confidence.

This personalized routine is a cornerstone of my coaching. It involves practices like prayer, meditation, and journaling designed to help you cultivate a deep connection with God and develop habits that fuel your faith and purpose.

DM support is honestly the most critical part of coaching… imagine having me in your pocket, available to help you through real-time decision-making or to filter through a spiral at the moment it’s happening. You’ll be able to DM me anytime and I’ll respond during office hours! Ps, I love sending audio messages!

The length of coaching depends on your individual goals. Some clients achieve breakthroughs in a few sessions, while others choose to embark on a longer-term coaching journey. We’ll discuss your specific needs and move at a pace that feels right for you.

There are no refunds due to the nature of coaching. However, you can totally cancel at any point in time by simply sending an email to

If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at